Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Retirement Lifestyles
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Retirement planning is so much more than simply having enough money socked away. Social activity, hobbies, skills, physical activity, and routines are all big components of your life now and likewise, should be in your retirement.
When considering your time in retirement, don’t overlook these parts of your life and how it impacts your financial plan. Having an idea of what type of lifestyle you want to live will help you build an income plan that can match you goals.
Here are some ways to make sure your retirement is enjoyable:
Stay connected with people. (1:15)
Physical activity keeps you going. (3:16)
Find your groove and new routine. (5:48)
A work project might be fulfilling. (7:45)
Get in touch with Eric: http://petersonfg.com
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Good Intentions and Financial Advice
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Sometimes even the best of intentions can lead you astray. When you get financial advice, it’s good to be a little cautious and consider where you are getting your information from. Everyone’s situation is a little bit different, so you need to focus on what the right thing is for you and your unique situation.
Look out when you hear financial information from these sources:
Family may try to help. (1:15)
Friends don’t know the whole story. (4:29)
A CPA should work on your taxes, not make your financial plan. (5:35)
Financial “experts” in the media are really entertainers. (9:40)
Get in touch with the Peterson Financial team: https://petersonfg.com/
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Mailbag: Should I Invest Unused Travel Funds Into Something More Practical?
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
How can you use your money wisely? Eric answers three questions that range from short-term travel plans to long-term estate planning decisions. While it’s good to be a good steward with your money, remember what it’s really there for.
Sometimes money should be saved for your future, and sometimes making memories with your money now is worth more.
These are the three questions Eric answers from the mailbag today:
Mailbag: Should I put my unused travel funds into something more practical? (0:47)
Mailbag: How can I make sure my kids don’t fight over my estate? (3:38)
Mailbag: Should I pay off the mortgage early with extra monthly income? (7:27)
Get in touch with the Peterson Financial team: https://petersonfg.com/
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Desire to Retire
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Are you dreaming of retirement? We talk through the different levels of desire people have in regard to retirement. Some can’t wait to cross the finish line and others have no plans soon to leave their jobs and careers. Depending on where your desire lies, here’s what you can do to prepare for the future.
Here are some of the levels of desire people feel when it comes to retirement:
Level 1: I don’t see myself retiring ever, I love what I do. (1:49)
Level 2: I could retire, but don’t mind my job enough yet. (4:37)
Level 3: I’d like to retire but have no idea if I can. (6:10)
Level 4: I thought I’d work longer, but early retirement is looking better. (7:41)
Level 5: Get me out of here! (10:07)
Contact us: http://petersonfg.com
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Financial Lessons from Disney Rides
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Ready to reminisce about the happiest place on earth? Or maybe you have plans to visit Mickey in the new year. On today’s show, we talk through some of the classic rides you can find at Disney World and what they have in common with your financial plan.
Here are the rides we compare our financial lives to:
Space Mountain is full of unexpected turns. (1:36)
The Dumbo ride is a classic. (5:12)
It’s a small world after all…good luck forgetting that song. (8:19)
Contact us: http://petersonfg.com
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Naughty or Nice? Financial Advisor Behaviors
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Do you think your financial advisor belongs on the naughty list or the nice list this year? Eric talks through a few scenarios that financial advisors may face to set the record straight on whether it is nice or naughty. If you come across a similar situation, hopefully, this will shed some light on reasonable expectations clients should have with their advisors.
Which of these are naughty and which of these are nice? Find out!
A retirement planning meeting replaces an annual review scheduled for 6 months later. (1:09)
Asset minimums are required for clients. (4:37)
Handling an investment change with a mere voicemail. (6:44)
Advisor won’t transfer money without verbal confirmation. (9:09)
Contact us: http://petersonfg.com
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Mailbag: Where Should I Withdraw My Retirement Funds?
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
In retirement, even if you’ve saved more than you’ll need, there are still a lot of questions that come up as you make wise decisions about what to do with your money. Eric answers three questions from retirees on how to best navigate what they have and how to rest easy in retirement. If ever you have a question for Eric, feel free to reach out!
Here’s what we talk about in regard to Roth conversions:
How do I know where to withdraw from? (0:46)
Should I get an insurance policy to cover funeral expenses? (4:35)
What should I do with surplus money in retirement? (7:46)
Contact us: http://petersonfg.com
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Year-end Roth Conversions
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
As we start to close out 2022, what are the things we should be doing with our finances? Is now the time to do a Roth conversion? Depending on your situation, you may want to consider it before the ball drops on New Year’s Eve. Eric explains how a Roth conversion works, what the benefits are, and why you’ll want to talk to your advisor about whether you should do one right now.
Here’s what we talk about in regard to Roth conversions:
Why you should consider a Roth conversion and what it is. (2:38)
What the limits are and why a conversion benefits high-income earners. (4:30)
Avoid making these common Roth conversion mistakes. (5:43)
Act wisely and have a tax analysis. (7:09)
Contact us: http://petersonfg.com
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Inheritance 101
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
An inheritance isn’t something you experience every year, so when it does happen, there are a lot of details to understand. We talk about some of the questions surrounding inheritances. Eric also shares the most common mistakes and how you can avoid them.
Here are the questions Eric answers on today’s show:
What you need to know about the tax implications with an inheritance. (1:00)
The elimination of the stretch IRA changed the rules for inherited IRAs. (3:16)
These are some of the most common mistakes people make. (7:05)
What mistakes do beneficiaries make? (9:02)
Contact us: http://petersonfg.com
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Mailbag: Do I Have Too Much in Cash?
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
When people are in retirement or closer to retirement, the accessibility of money goes up. So, what does that mean when you have to take out RMDs? How do you know if you have too much money in the bank? Talking through this with an advisor might help you make the right next steps with your money. We also talk about what mistakes people are prone to make if they try to DIY their retirement planning without a financial advisor.
Here are the questions Eric answers on today’s show:
Mailbag: How do I figure out all my RMDs? (0:47)
Mailbag: Do I have too much in cash? (4:57)
Mailbag: What aspects of my retirement plan am I most likely to mess up without an advisor? (8:02)
Contact us: http://petersonfg.com