Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Financial Fortune Cookies
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
What small piece of wisdom can we take away and apply to our financial plan? Eric talks through five fortune cookie statements and what they mean.
Key topics on this show:
1:37 - “Crisis is an opportunity…”
3:10 - “A feather in the hand is better than a bird in the air.”
3:45 - “Accept something you cannot change and you’ll feel better.”
6:03 - “A foolish man listens to his heart.”
7:00 - “Don’t let statistics do a number on you.”
Visit us online: http://petersonfg.com
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
The Worst Types of Investors
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Episode preview:
Which investors will end up ahead in the end? Eric talks through the types that might look successful…until they aren’t.
What we discuss:
0:47 - Who are the worst investors?
1:33 - Trying to get rich quick.
3:46 - Operating without a plan won’t work.
7:32 - Don’t only focus on short-term instead of long-term investing.
8:49 - Remember what happens when you invest in the stock market.
More about this episode:
When it comes to your retirement journey, you want to be a wise investor. What are the traits common among the worst investors (and how can you avoid being one of them)? Eric shares what investment strategies will end up being more successful than others.
Those who are trying to get rich quickly don’t usually win in the end. An investor who is slow and steady but saving and working hard over time is more likely to succeed. Making safer, smarter choices with your money is key.
Instead of just hoping it all works out eventually, have a plan. You don’t want to reach retirement and realize you have no plan. Start working on your financial plan several years before retirement to make smarter choices on where to put your money. Don’t just assume because “everyone” else is doing it that it’s right for you. Instead, have a plan that focuses on your needs and goals. Make sure you’re accounting for your long-term goals and not caught being short-sighted.
Visit Eric online:
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
What Happens in a Periodic Review With Your Financial Advisor?
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Episode preview:
Ever wonder what to expect during a periodic review with your financial advisor? Eric shares what this looks like depending on the client.
What we discuss:
0:47 - What does a periodic review look like?
5:23 - What kinds of things do you talk about with an advisor?
10:39 - Get reassured about your plan in relation to what the market is doing.
More about this episode:
On today’s show we talk through what it looks like when someone comes in for a periodic review with Eric. Everyone has a different personality type, so it can look different depending on the client.
Someone who wants all the data is very different from someone who just wants to know the big picture. Eric and his team talk through where the money invested started and explain where it is today. There are also a lot of questions to talk through in order to plan for the needs of the future.
Some people do not relate as well with the numbers, but there’s still plenty to discuss. Conversations may revolve around family and life goals, which is ultimately what your financial plan is all for. While a financial plan can be a serious topic to cover, it can also be a fun conversation, too.
You may have questions or need reassurances and the periodic review is a great time to discuss why your plan is set up the way it is. How are you feeling about the market? What direction are you headed? All of these questions will be answered by a trusted advisor during this meeting.
Visit Eric online:
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Mailbag: Does It Matter Who Gets What Asset in My Legacy Plan?
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Think about the taxes! Eric answers three questions from the mailbag today that all involve financial decisions with tax implications.
What we discuss on this episode:
0:46 - Mailbag: Should I take the lump sum or monthly payment for my pension?
4:55 - Mailbag: Should I use my retirement savings to pay off debts?
9:57 - Mailbag: Does it matter who gets what asset in my legacy plan?
Visit us online: http://petersonfg.com
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
More than Just a “Nice Person”
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Financial advisors are people who want to get along with, but you probably want more than just a nice person. We talk through what you should expect with a fiduciary and when you should get a second opinion.
Key topics on this show:
0:47 - Working with a “nice” person?
2:06 - A lot of people ask for a second opinion.
6:08 - Is the communication lacking?
8:51 - Are you working with the right specialist?
Visit us online: http://petersonfg.com
Thursday Aug 04, 2022
Mailbag: How Much is Too Much to Spend on a Forever Home?
Thursday Aug 04, 2022
Thursday Aug 04, 2022
Retirement decisions involve a lot more than just the money, but also the emotional and lifestyle decisions, too. Eric answers three questions from the mailbag from listeners making retirement decisions.
Key topics on this episode:
0:46 - Mailbag: How does tax get calculated on stock sold?
4:04 - Mailbag: How much is too much to spend on a forever home?
6:44 - Mailbag: What do I do when my retirement income is more than my working income?
For additional financial resources, visit us online: http://petersonfg.com
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Financial Jeopardy
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
We play the game of Jeopardy as Eric answers financial questions on today’s show. Do you know all the answers?
Key topics on this show:
0:50 - Let’s play a little Jeopardy!
1:28 - Known for its high fees, this financial product has given a bad name to others.
4:47 - This requires a financial advisor to put the clients’ best interests first.
6:57 - This financial phenomenon will eventually return.
8:47 - This forces retirees to drain their retirement accounts.
Read more and get additional resources here: http://petersonfg.com
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
401(k) Weaknesses
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
If you have a 401(k), what are some of the downsides? Eric talks through what a 401(k) is best for and when it is better to invest elsewhere.
Key topics on this show:
0:46 - Let’s talk about the weaknesses of 401(k) accounts.
1:46 - The administrative costs are expensive.
2:52 - Target date funds are a tool.
5:32 - What kind of risk do you have?
7:44 - There are not many choices.
9:53 - Withdrawals are complicated.
Read more and get additional resources here: http://petersonfg.com
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Retirement Planning: It’s Not As Easy As It Looks
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
What should you be considering when trying to DIY your retirement plan? Eric talks through why many later decide working with a financial advisor is best.
Key topics on this show:
0:47 - Retirement planning is not as easy as it looks.
2:59 - How do you approach the plan as a whole?
7:03 - How much time do you want to spend focusing on this?
10:10 - What happens if…?
Read more and get additional resources here: http://petersonfg.com
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Financial Security in Retirement
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
What does it look like to achieve financial security? Let’s talk through a few financial goals people have when they meet with a financial advisor.
Key topics on this show:
0:47 - What is your definition of financial security?
3:18 - You don’t want to run out of money.
4:31 - Maybe you want to be able to work on your terms.
6:41 - Having an emergency fund protects you.
9:13 - How do you avoid feeling panicked during market volatility?
Read more and get additional resources here: http://petersonfg.com