Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
The Three Worlds of Money
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
Do you know the three worlds of money? Where does the bulk of your money live? Is your money appropriately balanced across all three worlds? We’ll break it all down on this episode.
Read more and get additional financial resources here: http://petersonfg.com/the-three-worlds-of-money/
What we discuss on this show:
1:05 - What are the three worlds of money?
2:14 - The banking world offers liquidity.
5:03 - The insurance world offers life insurance and annuities.
8:40 - The Wall Street world holds investments.
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Year-End Financial Planning Checklist
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
What should you do before the end of 2020 when it comes to your finances? We'll run through a list of items on this show.
Read more and get additional financial resources here: http://petersonfg.com/year-end-financial-planning-checklist/
What we discuss on this show:
1:15 - Are you maxing out retirement contributions?
2:36 - Are you using the options available in the CARES Act?
3:50 - What is tax-loss harvesting and why should we explore it?
6:44 - Are you making charitable contributions?
8:28 - Should you do a Roth conversion?
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Managing Your Risk Aversion
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
How much risk should you have in your portfolio? How do you know how much risk you actually have? Today we’ll talk about managing the risk in your investments.
Read more and get additional financial resources here: http://petersonfg.com/managing-your-risk-aversion/
What we discuss on this show:
0:47 - What does it mean when someone says they are risk-adverse?
2:31 - Why do people claim they are risk-adverse but have their money in risky places?
5:27 - How does Eric work through the risk assessment analysis with clients?
6:51 - Who was T Boone Pickens and what can we learn from his story?
8:20 - What should your risk mindset and strategy be?
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Mailbag: Planning for Long-Term Care Expenses
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
When building a financial plan, it’s important to consider several different angles. Eric answers three questions from the mailbag on this week’s episode.
Read more and get additional financial resources here: http://petersonfg.com/mailbag-how-do-i-plan-for-possible-long-term-care-expenses/
What we discuss on the show:
0:47 - Mailbag: How do you plan for long-term care expenses?
5:08 - Mailbag: Should all of my retirement savings go toward my Roth?
7:34 - Mailbag: Is it okay to not want a bigger portfolio but to protect what’s already there?
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
The Retirement Hierarchy of Needs
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Retirement about more than just the money. Today we talk through Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to make sure your financial plan will support each tier in retirement.
Read more and get additional financial resources here: http://petersonfg.com/the-retirement-hierarchy-of-needs/
What we discuss on this show:
0:47 - What are Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
1:09 - What physical needs do you need to cover in retirement?
3:01 - What does it look like to have safety and security with your money?
5:37 - Your need for belonging will look different in retirement.
7:41 - What sort of feeling of accomplishment can you find?
9:13 - What does self-actualization look like as a retiree?
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Financial Planning and Gun Safety
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
What safety measures do you use when you own a gun? Are you implementing similar tactics with your financial plan?
Read more and get additional financial resources here: http://petersonfg.com/financial-planning-and-gun-safety/
What we discuss on this show:
1:15 - How does gun safety relate to financial planning?
2:03 - Why take unnecessary risk?
4:00 - Keep your ammunition separate from your guns.
5:48 - Understanding education vs. entertainment.
9:20 - Use a safe.
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Mailbag: Do I Really Need All of These Life Insurance Policies?
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Do you need as much life insurance as you have? Or should you factor in eventual inheritance money when deciding when to retire? Eric answers three questions from the mailbag in this week’s podcast.
Read more and get additional financial resources here: http://petersonfg.com/mailbag-do-i-really-need-all-of-these-life-insurance-policies/
What we discuss on this show:
0:46 - Mailbag: Can I retire early and count on inheritance money coming later?
3:59 - Mailbag: Do I need this much life insurance?
6:56 - Mailbag: Should I pull from savings before Social Security in retirement?
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Facing the Villains in the Financial World
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Do you have a favorite movie villain? We talk about three classic roles and explain how they compare to the villains you may encounter in the financial world.
Read more and get additional financial resources here: http://petersonfg.com/facing-the-villains-in-the-financial-world/
What we discuss on this show:
1:37 - What is the Darth Vader in the financial world?
4:14 - The Wicked Witch of the West will do whatever she can to get the ruby slippers.
6:52 - Ivan Drago from Rocky IV was almost robotic in his approach.
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Financial Planning Lessons From Winston Churchill
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
How can the words of Winston Churchill help you in your financial life? We apply some of his quotes to your financial decisions in today’s podcast.
Read more and get additional financial resources here: http://petersonfg.com/financial-planning-lessons-from-winston-churchill/
What we discuss on the show:
1:14 - “We shape our dwellings and afterwards our dwellings shape us.”
2:57 - “We must be aware of needless innovations…”
5:12 - “The problems of victory are more agreeable than those of defeat…”
7:08 - “The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see.”
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Why Eric Loves Working as a Financial Advisor
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Why does Eric do what he does? What’s his history and what are his passions? Find out on today’s episode of the podcast.
Read more and get additional financial resources here: http://petersonfg.com/why-eric-loves-working-as-a-financial-advisor/
What we discuss on this show:
0:46 - Why does Eric do what he does?
1:19 - Who and what has shaped Eric’s view on wealth?
5:52 - What was the transition from insurance to financial planning like?
7:52 - What would Eric change about the industry?